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Nou Pap Dòmi! (We are not sleeping!)


Nou Pap Dòmi! (We are not sleeping)

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Interviewed by:

Kathia Pierre & Bijoux Augustin-Abellard

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The participation of youth in political affairs in Haiti has become, over the past years, a constant subject in political debates. It somehow shapes academic thinking, the information disseminated in print, visual and online media, and even the everyday conversations of citizens.

Let’s meet Emmanuela Douyon.

Ms. Douyon is an economist, activist, and director of Policité. She obtained a degree in Evaluation of Public Policies in France. Her focus was to implement programs to produce exact findings. Ms. Douyon noticed that this is foreign to Haiti; and wanted to integrate what she has acquired through higher learning into something tangible that could lead to the country’s development.

Emmanuela Douyon and four other members co-founded Policité in 2017, one of Haiti’s first think-tanks focusing on development. Policité is solution-oriented, a hub that provides a space where the country is looked at strategically. In addition, they offer potential solutions; Haitian leaders can implement to better live people's lives.

Our goal is to influence the political decisions that are made in the country.” The mission is to influence the country’s political decisions to contribute to the development of Haiti. Currently, raising awareness about public policy - working on a national citizen agenda.”

The enthusiasm and pride in saying we are Haitian should be the same when speaking of our leaders. Policité aims to foster and encourage a love for the country. Instead of leaving home to migrate elsewhere, the hope is that the children of Haiti will remain one day.

Douyon wants Policité to become well known as a reference for research, to attain knowledge, and a hub to exchange ideas for the development of Haiti.

Ms. Douyon is an influential member of NOU PAP DÒMI. Founded three years ago, this organization has positioned itself as a vanguard of the movement that demands that light be shed on the various revelations of Corruption Cases in the national and international press in terms of Haiti. Nou Pap Dòmi has initiated various actions at national and international levels: street demonstrations, round tables, participation in programs, press conferences, intervention in the American Congress to expose the political, economic, and social circumstances and situations of the country.

“It is hard to tell the people that part of the solution to Haiti's problem can be brought to light from something as simple as an idea. The Haitian people need a bridge to cross this river that has never been crossed before. I stand for what is right, and I am working for a better Haiti, says Douyon."

Ms. Douyon uses her knowledge, experience, and commitment to social justice to create, help build institutions and spaces that will contribute to the development of Haiti. She wants to leave a legacy on her influence on Haiti's development & leaders as a Haitian woman.

Emma Douyon encourages all to get involved and stresses knowing your "why." But, first, you must understand why you want to get involved and give your best to the cause.

When asked for a mantra that she lives by, our activist shared this quote :

“ Every day, I improve myself so that when I die, I am a finished product.”

by Claude P. Magnan

For standing against injustices, for being the voice of the voiceless in Haiti through her relentless activism, for creating solutions to bring about changes to Haiti, that is why Emmanuella Douyon is a Fanm Potomitan.

Contact Emmanuela Here!

Follow Policité!

Watch Ms. Douyon’s interview here!

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